Our story
That’s when the company was founded after its two founders joined forces and combined their skills into establishing Platinum Fashion.
Anna Kypreou, having studied graphic design and photography and charmed by the world of fashion and women’s clothing, had the vision.
Michalis Epitzoglou joined her vision with his business skills and sales experience.
Today, the company is more like a family of 20 members with a large network of partners who trust and support it.
Winter Garden
Nature Reload
Nature’s Reflections
Mother Earth
Fall/Winter 2023-2024
“The ways things seem to us.”
Instances of subjective, conscious experience.
Spring Summer 2023
Forces Of Nature
We create
by Greek Nature
With love and respect,
Platinum Fashion team!
Fall Winter 2022-23
Η νέα μας συλλογή WE…, είναι αφιερωμένη σε όλα αυτα που μπορούμε να κάνουμε μαζί.Στα απλά πράγματα της ζωής που μας φέρνουν κοντά στους άλλους και μας δίνουν στιγμές απόλαυσης και χαράς!
Πράγματα όπως το να πάμε για καφέ με μία φίλη, να πιούμε ένα ποτό με την παρέα, να γευτούμε όμορφες στιγμές με την οικογένεια, να δούμε μια παράσταση ή μια συναυλία, να ζήσουμε ό,τι αγαπάμε με όσους αγαπάμε!
Να θυμηθούμε οτι δεν είμαστε μόνοι… Είμαστε μαζί… ΕΜΕΙΣ….
The Platinum Fashion team!
Spring Summer 2022
We work together for a better present and a promising future!
With love and respect,
Platinum Fashion team!
Fall winter 21/22
Renaissance (15th – 16th century)
It is the time of revival in Europe of Greek philosophy, development and activity in fields such as art, literature, science.
An era that gave birth to brilliant minds and genius artists such as Leonardo da Vinci. Inspired by that period, the term “Renaissance Woman” refers to the woman of today. All of us who are “reborn” through our multiple interests, our skills in different areas and our effort to get to know and evolve aspects of ourselves and the world we live in.